
Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive perks:

Join Dusit Gold and benefit from an extra 10% off on all our room offers.

  • Book Direct Exclusive, get a special THB 300 hotel credit per night when reserve your stay through hotel official website
  • Personnalised experience
  • Flexible booking policies


最大 25% 割引で 5 泊のパタヤ ビーチ ホリデーをお楽しみください。15 日前までにご予約いただくと、毎日の朝食を含む特別料金がご利用いただけます。

Rates from

THB 2,800++



Rates from

THB 3,100++


今すぐお支払いいただくと最大 10% 割引になります。料金は 1 泊 3,300 THB++ からで、朝食が含まれています。

Rates from

THB 3,300++

Flexible Rate with Breakfast

Enjoy a flexible stay with daily breakfast, and the freedom to modify or cancel your booking anytime before arrival.

Rates from

THB 3,600++