Exceptional Offers

Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive benefits:

Elevate your stay when you book direct. Join our Dusit Gold loyalty programme to receive an additional 10% discount on our room offers and other exceptional privileges.

  • Dusit “Instant Delight” Reward on every stay
  • Welcome Amenities
  • Exclusive Accommodation, Dining and Spa Offers
  • Room discounts
  • Dining discounts
  • Laundry discounts
  • Late check out subject to availability and prior request
Featured Offer

It’s Time to Experience Beyond the Ordinary

It’s time to experience beyond the ordinary. Receive a complimentary soft drink at the Lobby Lounge, late checkout at 16:00 and up to 10% savings during your stay. Unlock an extra 15% discount instantly with Dusit Gold memberships, plus exclusive benefits.

Rates from

USD 184++

Featured Offer

Dusit Near-cations

Take advantage of being in the city and holiday close to home. Retreat in the heart of Cairo by booking a room at Dusit Thani LakeView, and enjoy.

Rates from

USD 240.38++

Ramadan Retreat Package

Embrace the spirit of Ramadan and seek solace in our serene retreat, a sanctuary away from the busyness of daily life.

Rates from

USD 220++

Honeymoon Two Nights Package

Fill your hearts with memories to last and capture your fairytale in a heavenly oasis. Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo curates an unforgettable experience where romance, luxury, and impeccable hospitality seamlessly blend, ensuring that your honeymoon is nothing short of perfection.

Rates from

USD 1256.20++ for Two Nights

Honeymoon One Night Package

Fill your hearts with memories to last and capture your fairytale in a heavenly oasis. Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo curates an unforgettable experience where romance, luxury, and impeccable hospitality seamlessly blend, ensuring that your honeymoon is nothing short of perfection.

Rates from

USD 868.49++

Book Early, Save More

Save even more when booking in advance and start each day with a heart filling breakfast. Whether you are staying on your own, with family or friends, or with your significant other, our early bird rates offer an exceptional value for all.

Rates from

USD 211++

Pre-Wedding Bride or Groom Package

An ultimate spa experience before the wedding day. Start with a 60-minute body scrub, followed by a 90-minute massage and finally a 60-minute facial.

Rates from

EGP 9000++ per session

EV’s Friday Brunch

Nestled amid lush greenery and serene lakes, EV’s sprawling outdoor terrace is the perfect tranquil oasis for brunch in the heart of the city. Choose from our selection of expertly crafted set menus and indulge in vibrant and authentic cuisine that has made EV an all-time favourite.

Rates from

EGP 3,500

Devarana Signature Massage Experience

Exclusive to Devarana this unique massage combines strong pressures of Thai, Ayurveda and Shiatsu techniques with Swedish and Aromatherapy influences for the ultimate soothing, body recovery experience. The signature massage comes together with an inhalation ritual of hot water, freshly sliced lime and orange for respiratory clearing. Offered at Devarana Spa and subject to prior reservations.

Rates from

EGP 5,000++ / 90 minutes | EGP 5,200++ / 120 minutes

The Ultimate Hammam Experience

Moroccan and Turkish bath traditions combine in this unique purification ritual. Begin with with a steam, sauna and hydrothermal pool session to release stress and toxins. Relax as expert therapists apply Moroccan black soap and exfoliate the skin with a loofah mitt, followed by a clay mask for the body and face, and culminating in a moisturising body massage. Emerge renewed with velvety skin. ​ ​Offered at Devarana Spa and subject to prior reservations.

Rates from

EGP 5000++ per session

Your Journey, Your Way

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