Exceptional Offers

Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive perks:

Join Dusit Gold and benefit from an extra 10% off on all our room offers.

  • Complimentary use of kayak for 1 hour
  • Buy one get one free spa treatments
  • Flexible booking policies
Featured Offer

Exclusive Offer: Double Perks and Up to 15% Savings

THB 500 SPA voucher, choose 1 immersive experience, plus 15% off.

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Featured Offer

Krabi Advance Deal

Don’t Miss Our Krabi Advance Deal! Enjoy Exclusive Privileges and Benefits at Our Luxury 5-Star Beachfront Hotel in Krabi!

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Spa & Stay

Escape with our Spa & Stay package: luxurious spa treatments and a relaxing stay await you

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Stay longer and Save more

Discover the Ultimate Luxury Escape at Our 5-Star Hotel in Krabi with Special Deals!

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Book Now and Save

Experience Unrivaled Luxury at Our 5-Star Beachfront Hotel in Krabi with Special Deals!

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Family Getaway

Embark on an Unforgettable Family Getaway at Our Luxury Beachfront Hotel in Krabi!

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Batik Handkerchief Making

Unleash your little one’s creativity while learning the traditional art of batik in this interactive workshop. Under the guidance of our skilled Kids Club Team, children will discover the ancient technique of using wax and dyes to create intricate patterns on fabric.

Rates from

THB 290 net

Ice Bath

Not only effective for fast recovery after an intense workout, an ice bath can also unlock a multitude of benefits, including reduced stress, a stronger immune system, more energy and increased willpower. Begin the session with a 20-minute meditative breathing exercise, before immersing yourself in the ice bath for 2 to 15 minutes.

Rates from

THB 450 net

Thai Classic

Immerse yourself in Thai culture with our traditional Thai classic experiences at Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

Rates from

THB 2,900 net

Lotus Flower Making

Join our Lotus Flower Making class and craft a symbol of Thai culture during your stay.

Rates from

THB 1,200 net

Your Journey, Your Way

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