Exceptional Offers

Booking directly on our website guarantees the best price and exclusive benefits.
Join as a Dusit Gold member for more benefits here.

  • Best prices and exclusive offers
  • Personnalised experience
  • Flexible booking policies
  • Qualified stay for Dusit Gold members
Featured Offer

Hassle-Free Business Stay

Delight with your next Bangkok trip. Making your stay hassle-free enjoy complimentary dinner and laundry service throughout your stay.

Rates from

THB 3,000++

Stay Longer with Breakfast

Reserve 21 days in advance and book for a minimum 3-night stay to enjoy savings of up to 35% and receive complimentary breakfast on us.

Rates from

THB 2,150++

Early Bird with Breakfast

Book an early-bird, 21-day to receive up to 20% off and rest easy, as we’ve got your breakfast covered.

Rates from

THB 2,270++

Stay Even Longer with Breakfast

Plan your Bangkok stay with our advance booking offer. Book 21 days in advance for up to 30% off a 5-night stay, plus an extra 15% for Dusit Gold members.

Rates from

THB 2,450++

Flexible Rate with Breakfast

Make the most of your booking flexibility prior to your arrival, all while enjoying remarkable value for a comfortable room that includes a delectable daily breakfast.

Rates from

THB 2,850++

Saver Offer with Breakfast

Book 3 days in advance, experience savings of up to 10%, along with the delightful breakfast.

Rates from

THB 2,510++

Featured Offer

Peking Duck Signature

Discover our delicious and authentic Peking Duck signature, offering a valuable selection of diverse items.

Rates from

THB 990 net per set

Dim Sum All You Can Eat

Delight in an All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Experience at The Chinese, featuring your all-time favourite savoury selections.

Rates from

THB 999 net per person

Dim Sum Feast Signature

Experience the unlimited dim sum, featuring a mouth-watering menu, all at a special price.

Rates from

THB 499 net per person

Wellness Package

Relax at Dusit Princess Srinakarin with top amenities like a fully equipped health club, pool, sauna, and steam bath. Our team is here to assist you.

Rates from

THB 2,700 net/ person

Cake Decoration Workshop​

Unleash your creativity in this cake styling workshop, mastering techniques to design and decorate delicious treats.

Rates from

THB 1,200 net per person

Botanic Garden

Experience the serenity of nature at Suan Luang Rama IX, Bangkok’s largest botanical garden and public park.

Rates from

THB 1,000 net per person per way

Dim Sum Class

Learn dim sum recipes and techniques from an expert Chinese chef. Impress guests with these delectable bites and receive a certificate upon completing the training.

Rates from

THB 1,200 net/ person

Thai Cooking Class

Explore Thai cuisine in a cooking class, embracing Thailand’s rich flavours. With expert guidance, master the art of blending herbs and spices for tasty dishes.

Rates from

THB 1,200 net/ person

Wedding Celebration Package

Celebrate your special day at Dusit Princess Srinakarin with our exclusive wedding packages for the perfect setting.

Rates from

THB 150,000