Exceptional offers

Explore our exclusive offers – book directly for unbeatable rates and unlock a world of perks, including special benefits and Dusit Gold rewards.

Not a member yet? Click here to find out more.

  • 15% discount on all our room offers
  • 20% discount on food and beverage (excluding alcohol and room service).
  • 20% discount on laundry service
  • Welcome amenities in room
Featured Offer

Exclusive Offer: Double Perks and Up To 30% Savings

It’s time for simply perfect stays. Get complimentary drink, early check-in, and up to 10% savings during your stay. Unlock an extra 15% discount instantly with Dusit Gold membership, plus special benefits.

Rates from

THB 1,785+++ per night

Stay Even Longer with Breakfast

Delight in every moment and save up to 30% with a 7-nights stay when you book 21 days in advance. Start your day with our delicious breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 1,680+++ per night

Early Bird with Breakfast

Book early to secure your discount. Enjoy savings of up to 20% when you reserve 21 days in advance. Start your day right with our delicious breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 1,785+++ per night

Stay Longer with Breakfast

Stay longer and save up to 15% with a minimum 3-night stay when you reserve 3 days in advance. Start your day with our delicious breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 1,890+++ per night

Saver Offer with Breakfast

Secure your savings now. Pay in advance and get up to 10% off when you book at least 3 days ahead.

Rates from

THB 1,995++ per night

Flexible Rate with Breakfast

Enjoy our flexible offer with the freedom to change your stay anytime. Start your day right with our delightful breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 2,100+++ per night

Thai Signature Set Menu

Delight in our signature Thai Set Menu at Jasmine Restaurant, featuring signature Thai dishes, desserts, and Thai milk tea.

Rates from

THB 390 net per set

All-Day Dining Menu

Savour the essence of culinary at Jasmine Restaurant. With a blend of Chinese, international flair and local charm, our menu promises a symphony of taste sensations.

Rates from

THB 180++ per dish

Happy Hour

Join us at Casa Verde for an exciting Happy Hour experience. Enjoy our special offer: buy one, get one free on a selection of drinks.

Rates from

THB 220++ per glass

All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Lunch

Discover the delightful world of dim sum, a culinary journey showcasing the expertly crafted dishes of traditional Chinese cuisine.

Rates from

THB 590 net per person

Changchill​ Elephant Park​

Visit a sanctuary for retired and rescued elephants and observe these gentle creatures in their natural habitat.

Rates from

THB 1,900 net per person

Cooking Class

Discover the art of Thai cuisine with our expert chef. Master classic dishes, balance flavours, and unleash your creativity. Take home recipes, a certificate, and unforgettable memories to share.

Rates from

THB 1,500 net per person

Table Manners Programme

Experience our table etiquette and workshop package with a welcome drink, hotel tour, 4-course menu, professional instructors, and more. A minimum of 20 individuals is required for the group.

Rates from

THB 450 net per person

Meeting Package

Host an unforgettable event with our meeting package, featuring wonderful cuisine, outstanding style, and personalised service.

Rates from

THB 550 net per person

Your Journey, Your Way

Book and customise your trip all on the Dusit Hotels & Rewards App

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