Exceptional Offers

Get the most from your stay at Dusit Hotel & Suites – Doha with our offers. Book direct for the best online rates and exclusive perks.

Join our Dusit Gold loyalty programme to receive an additional 10% discount on our room offers and other exceptional privileges.

Web exclusive:

  • Best prices and exclusive offers
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Featured Offer

It’s Time for Travel

It’s time to experience beyond the ordinary. Enjoy a welcome in your room, late checking at 4 pm and up to 20% savings during your stay.

Rates from

QAR 1170

Luxury Long Stay

Experience refined city living in the heart of Doha. Stay 12 months and unlock exclusive benefits.

Rates from

QAR 12,000

Featured Offer


Experience the spirit of Ramadan at Qureshi Bukhara. Indulge in a lavish Indian iftar buffet featuring time-honoured flavours, fragrant spices, and expertly crafted dishes that bring tradition to your table. Gather with family and friends for a special evening of warmth, hospitality, and exquisite cuisine.

Rates from

QAR 189

Featured Offer

Sohour Above the City

Stay late and experience Sohour with a view at Tropicana 360. Enjoy a thoughtfully curated menu in a relaxed rooftop setting above the city. With Doha’s skyline glowing around you, it’s the perfect way to slow down, connect, and embrace the spirit of Ramadan.

Rates from

QAR 300

Featured Offer

Iftar Above the Clouds

As the sun sets over Doha, gather for an Iftar like no other – 48 floors up at Tropicana 360. Savour a rich selection of Ramadan dishes while the city stretches out beneath you, blending warm tradition with a skyline view that transforms as night falls.

Rates from

QAR 325

Lazy Saturday Brunch

Kick back, relax, and let us serve up the perfect Lazy Saturday at Tropicana. Enjoy a sharing menu packed with delicious flavours, all set against the best rooftop views in Doha.

Rates from

QAR 295

Featured Offer

Paradiso Brunch

Brunch with the best views and some bangin’ live entertainment, all set sky-high at Tropicana 360.

Rates from

QAR 345

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