Exceptional Offers

Elevate your stay when you book direct. Join our Dusit Gold loyalty programme to receive an additional 10% discount
on our room offers and other exceptional privileges.

  • Dusit Instant Delight Reward on every stay
  • Special occasion discounts or credits
  • Room discounts
  • Dining discounts


Featured Offer

It’s Time for Travel Made for You

Book your stay at least 2 days in advance and enjoy 10% off your stay of 1 night or more. Exclusive offer: 2x extra perks, get a complimentary drink at Som Bar, and pet stay.

Rates from

THB 1,590++ per night

Paws & Fun Getaway

Pamper your furry friend with our exclusive pet-friendly package at dusitD2 Hua Hin, with free stay for your pet, plus extra perks for you throughout the entire stay.

Rates from

THB 2,064

Golfer’s Getaway

Swing into Serenity: Discover Golfing Bliss in Hua Hin with our exclusive package including a round of golf at Pineapple Valley Golf Club and more perks.

Rates from

THB 3,760

Delightful Getaway

Make your holiday full of fun and relaxation with a comfortable stay and delectable dining.

Rates from

THB 2,460

Bed and breakfast on your terms

Book now, change later, with our fully flexible room with breakfast offer

Rates from

THB 2,000

Saver Offer

Pay now and enjoy up to 10% instant savings. Highly affordable stays with delicious daily breakfasts are here

Rates from

THB 1,590++

Early Bird Offer Room with Breakfast

Book early, save more, and enjoy a delicious morning meal

Rates from

THB 1,760

Featured Offer

Discover the beauty of Samroiyod National Park

This personalised trip is offered from 8:30 to 15:00. (A 24-hour advance reservation is required).

Rates from

THB 3,500 for 2 persons

Mocktail & Cocktail Making

Master mixology in a fun, interactive workshop with our expert bartender. Available at Dusit Gourmet or Som Bar, daily from 14:00 to 16:00.

Rates from

THB 790 net per person

Featured Offer

Healthy Drinks Class

Delve into recipes for health-giving drinks, this fun workshop will inspire and inform so you find it easier to get the proper nutrition to fuel your body. Available at Dusit Gourmet, daily from 14:00 to 16:00.

Rates from

THB 550 net per person

Painting for New Generation Kids

Unleash your child’s inner artist and let them express themselves through fun painting activities, daily from 09:00 to 18:00.

Rates from

THB 99 net per set

Featured Offer

Alms Giving

Join us in the garden at 7.30 am every Sunday morning to take part in offering alms to the monks who visit the hotel and give us their blessings.

Rates from

THB 199 net per set

Your Journey, Your Way

Book and customise your trip all on the Dusit Hotels & Rewards App

Created an account before November 2024?
Fill in the Sign Up Form to complete registration using the same email.