Exceptional offers

Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive perks:

Join Dusit Gold loyalty programme and benefit from an extra 10% off on all our room offers.
Not a member yet? Click here to find out more.

  • Up to 30% dining discount
  • Room upgrade (Subject to availability)
  • 20% laundry discount
  • Late check-out up to 18:00 (Subject to availability)
Featured Offer

Early Bird

Book early to secure discount. Enjoy 15% savings when you reserve 7 days in advance. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

INR 13,854 ++ per night

Breakfast and Dinner On Us

Wake up to Himalayan vistas at dusitD2 Fagu, Shimla, with our exclusive opening offer, including complimentary breakfast, dinner and more.

Rates from

INR 18,000++ per night

Featured Offer

Flexible Rate

Enjoy our most flexible offer. Have the freedom to change your stay anytime. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

INR 16,299 ++ per night

Your Journey, Your Way

Book and customise your trip all on the Dusit Hotels & Rewards App

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Fill in the Sign Up Form to complete registration using the same email.