Exceptional offers

Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive perks:

Join Dusit Gold and benefit from an extra 15% off on all our room offers. Book now!

  • Best prices and exclusive offers
  • Fun and unique experience
  • Flexible booking policies
Featured Offer

It’s Time To Fuel Your Curiosity

It’s time to fuel your curiosity. Get Complimentary Drink, Late check-out at 16:00, and 25% savings on your next stay. Unlock an extra 15% discount instantly with Dusit Gold membership, plus insider benefits.

Rates from

THB 2,875++

Featured Offer

Stay Flexible

Discover the ultimate in flexibility with the freedom to change your stay anytime.

Rates from

THB 2,600++

Featured Offer

Pay Now & Save

Snag superb savings. Pay now and get up to 10% instant savings. Looking for a morning boost? Opt for a hearty breakfast to fuel your day.

Rates from

THB 2,565++

ASAI Longer & Save

Immerse yourself in the destination and get up to 15% discount when you stay 2 days or more.

Rates from

THB 2,610++

Let’s Hang Longer

Extend your stay for 7 nights and save 20%! Enjoy daily breakfast at Jam Jam with exclusive rates for Dusit Gold members.

Rates from

THB 2,610++

Early Birdies

Why not plan ahead to score an instant discount. Enjoy up to 15% savings when you book 21 days early. Looking for a morning boost?

Rates from

THB 2,635++

Happy Hour

Experience double the joy at JAM JAM Eatery & Bar’s Happy Hour! Enjoy Buy 1 Get 1 Free on select drinks and bites, Monday-Friday, 5pm-8pm.

Rates from

THB 320 net

Chinatown Photowalk

Discover Chinatown’s hidden gems in this exclusive workshop that combines exploration with creativity. Dive into the action of this buzzing part of town while learning some cool street photography techniques with an expert. For a few hours, see the world differently through your lens and discover new and exciting places.

Rates from

THB 3,500 net

Movie Night

Every Thursday, immerse yourself in the magic of cinema as we transform our hotel courtyard into a haven for movie lovers. Gather the gang and snuggle up in front of the big screen, ready to be transported by an unforgettable story. Grab your weekly ticket for a cinematic getaway right here.

Rates from

THB 160 net

Your Journey, Your Way

Book and customise your trip all on the Dusit Hotels & Rewards App

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