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Embracing our history as hospitality pioneers, our iconic flagship hotel is currently undergoing an exciting transformation designed to provide new and exciting experiences while preserving our artistic and architectural heritage.
Inspired by its illustrious past, the Dusit Thani Bangkok hotel will return to continue delivering gracious hospitality to the world. And we look forward to welcoming you to experience this new chapter in our legacy.
The countdown has begun.
See you in early 2024.
大堂酒吧 (Grand Lobby Bar) 气派宏伟,是您会见、放松和留下美好回忆的好去处,这里提供高档的下午茶体验,将有机泰式风味与精致优雅融为一体。到了晚上,您可以尽情享用小吃、精心调制的鸡尾酒以及曼谷最丰富的葡萄酒单上的精选美酒。
Cannubi 以皮埃蒙特著名的巴罗洛葡萄酒产区山丘命名,是一家精致的葡萄酒庄,每一杯酒都讲述着风土、历史和品质的故事。品尝传奇葡萄酒以及由米其林三星主厨 Umberto Bombana 精心制作的正宗意大利美食。
登上屋顶,曼谷都喜天丽酒店标志性的金色尖顶将为您带来充满奇妙酒水的欢乐夜晚。品尝由获奖鸡尾酒吧 Tropic City 团队设计的清爽鸡尾酒,同时可眺望曼谷闪闪发光的天际线。
在 39 楼,您会发现一个充满 20 世纪 70 年代标志性魅力的饮酒胜地。在城市上空迪斯科时代的富丽堂皇之中,调酒大师们呈现了手工烈酒、经典鸡尾酒和招牌混合饮品,这些饮品均由屡获殊荣的 Vesper 团队采用当地食材制作而成。
Discover the rich heritage of Thai cuisine at Benjarong Bangkok, featuring exquisite recipes from the late 1800s to the 1930s Rattanakosin Kingdom. Each dish tells a story of trade, blending flavors from afar with local traditions. Our creations celebrate traditional Thai meal sharing, offering a harmonious mix of tastes and textures.
Experience a modern and creative Vietnamese restaurant with bold flavors and French influences. Enjoy unique cocktails at our central bar and stylish decor.
Escape to the exotic flavors of South American fusion, from the pan to the grill at NóMADA Bangkok, Baan Dusit Thani – a culinary journey that’s not to be missed.
Dusit Thani Bangkok’s signature coffee shop offers artisanal products and handcrafted ingredients, with a cosy atmosphere reminiscent of a homely kitchen.
Dusit Thani Bangkok
98 Rama IV Rd, Silom, Bangrak Bangkok 10500